September 2022 Trustee – out now

Written by Supervision Group

Supervision Group has a highly experienced team of professionals with one goal, to improve how you interact with your Business, Super, Personal Finances and Investments to grow your wealth. We know what it takes to grow and thrive in today’s fast-paced economy.

9 September 2022

The latest edition of the Trustee is available.

Two years ago, we had a market update where inflation was mentioned. At that time, it was not clear if inflation would make an appearance when Government spending worldwide was viewed as unsustainably high and would result in higher inflation.   Well, it has finally arrived.

Government spending decisions, geopolitical and local environmental events impacting supply chains have added up to the highest inflation figures in Australia and the western world for some time. All businesses and industries have been impacted by increased costs and delays by reduced production.  Employees have disappeared and the ones left have been resigning in record numbers, leaving services businesses short staffed.

Yet despite all the doom and gloom above, Australia has recorded a better-than-expected trade surplus due to world-wide demand for our goods.  A small shire in Perth’s western suburbs has regained the top spot as the most expensive real estate in Australia.  Housing prices have been strong in WA and unemployment is low. Unemployment is at a 48 year low. The glass must be half full.

To download your copy of the Trustee please CLICK HERE

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