Blogs & Resources

Super Changes Video Presentation

  Superannuation changes just passed by the Australian Parliament are the biggest in number since 2007.  This video takes the place of a face to face seminar and will cover the following topics: Pension Caps of $1.6 Million TRIS Tax Free Status Changes to...

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Super Changes – 1.6 Million Pension Transfer Cap

Super Changes – 1.6 Million Pension Transfer Cap

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On the 9th of November 2016, the Government introduced legislation into Parliament that covers many area's of Superannuation under the auspices of fairness. The legislation is the result of amended 2016-17 budget reforms previously...

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Budget 2016/17 Changes to Super

2016 Federal Budget There have been some big changes in to Superannuation in the recent budget. It is important to note that at this stage the changes have not been legislated, however with opposition support in the majority of policy positions, it is likely that most...

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Unlock SMSF Speed X 4

Unlock SMSF Speed X 4

There are four factors that contribute to better Super outcomes:  Contributions, Expenses, Investment Returns & Tax.  Mastering the four factors will revolutionise how you grow your Super.  But you can't master it if you are working on outdated information....

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Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Since April 2015 the All Ordinaries index representing the Australian share market has fallen 17.5% from its peak near 6000 points to sit just under 5000 points. This fall represents a lower expectation on the Australian economy and in particular the anticipated...

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Don’t Leave 2016 to Chance

Don’t Leave 2016 to Chance

The end of year break is typically a time where we reflect upon the year that just past. We may reflect upon our relationships, health, occupation, accommodation, holidays and finances. Many people will reflect upon the past year and then simply hope for a better year...

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When can super be accessed?

When can super be accessed?

With life expectancy increasing the government has made changes to increase the age at which we can access our superannuation. This measure is to help more people to accumulate greater levels of superannuation benefits to fund their retirement.

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Super Gateway Gets a Makeover

Super Gateway Gets a Makeover

You may have noticed the words "Super Gateway" appears next to "Client Login" in the top right hand corner of our website. What is cool is that you can now go directly to your transaction accounts without logging in to Gateway first, so it's a bit quicker.  Also you...

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Preservation Components on your Members Statements

Preservation Components on your Members Statements

You may have wondered what Preservation components mean on your members statement? The main terms that you will find on your statement are, preserved benefits (PBs), restricted non-preserved benefits (RNPBs) or unrestricted non-preserved benefits (UNPBs). Since 1999,...

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UK Pension Transfers

UK Pension Transfers

It is common practice for UK Citizens to roll over their UK pension plan into an Australian qualifying superannuation fund upon arrival in Australia.  These receiving Superannuation Funds were known as QROPS (Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes).  They were...

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Latest SMSF Borrowing Statistics Released

Latest SMSF Borrowing Statistics Released

The latest ATO statistics report on SMSFs ending June 2015 have confirmed that LRBAs (borrowing arrangements in Super) are worth approximately $15.6 Billion.  That sounds like a  large number and it is, but to put it in perspective it only represents 3% of total...

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