Super Stream (ESA Codes)

Written by Supervision Group

Supervision Group has a highly experienced team of professionals with one goal, to improve how you interact with your Business, Super, Personal Finances and Investments to grow your wealth. We know what it takes to grow and thrive in today’s fast-paced economy.

22 September 2015

We just want to remind all of our customers and potential customers that Supervision SMSF clients have an ESA (Electronic Services Address) to meet the newly introduced SuperStream Data and Payment Standard.

This is your ESA code if you have missed our previous releases.


This service does not cost our customers anything and integrates directly into our accounting software. You will notice that the above mentioned code is in your 2015 tax return document.

Super Stream is a standard that will enable more efficient payment of contributions to SMSFs due to a standardised data being attached to each electronic payment. It is like an electronic mail box for information about your employer contributions to go to. The money still goes directly to your SMSFs designated bank account.

Employer contributions made by cheque will be disallowed to create a greater tracking ability and integration with taxation and accounting records. We support it and hope that you have sent this code to your employer.

We include this code in compliance letters that we create for your SMSF. So if you have received one of these letters recently, it should be up to date with that code. If your employer has been asking you about this code, you can quote them above.

Please find a link to the smsfdataflow web page that provides more information about how it works.

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