Blogs & Resources
Single Touch Payroll
From the 1st of July 2018, employers with 20 or more employees will be required to report payments such as salaries and wages, pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and super information in real time. Businesses with 19 or less employees will have another year to comply...
Deductible Contribution Opportunity
If you want to reduce your personal tax this year, you are able to take advantage of changes to the Superannuation contribution rules. In the past, unless you were salary sacrificing, salary and wage earners were not able to contribute to Super to reduce their taxable...
First Home Super Savers Scheme
Are you currently saving for your first home and want some tax relief? The Australian Government has created this scheme to help first home buyers save for a deposit on their first home. To qualify, you cannot have previously owned a property in Australia. In...
Update – “Downsizing” Contributions
"Downsizing" Contributions Are you over 65 and wish that you had put more money into Superannuation? Many older Australian's are now realising that topping up Super just before retirement is not as easy as they imagined, or it may now be even impossible for some....
Salary Sacrificing? Important Message
We would like to remind all clients that from the 1st of July 2017, the concessional contributions cap has been lowered to $25,000 for everyone regardless of age. As this is a significant decrease, it is possible that your current salary sacrifice arrangements with...
Government delivers stability in 2017-18 Federal Budget
Stability and confidence for superannuation is the good news coming out of the 2017-18 Federal Budget. With SMSF members still working through the wide-reaching and complex superannuation changes of the last Budget which take effect from 1 July 2017, this Budget’s...
Super Changes Video Presentation
Superannuation changes just passed by the Australian Parliament are the biggest in number since 2007. This video takes the place of a face to face seminar and will cover the following topics: Pension Caps of $1.6 Million TRIS Tax Free Status Changes to...
Super Changes – 1.6 Million Pension Transfer Cap
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On the 9th of November 2016, the Government introduced legislation into Parliament that covers many area's of Superannuation under the auspices of fairness. The legislation is the result of amended 2016-17 budget reforms previously...
Budget 2016/17 Changes to Super
2016 Federal Budget There have been some big changes in to Superannuation in the recent budget. It is important to note that at this stage the changes have not been legislated, however with opposition support in the majority of policy positions, it is likely that most...
Unlock SMSF Speed X 4
There are four factors that contribute to better Super outcomes: Contributions, Expenses, Investment Returns & Tax. Mastering the four factors will revolutionise how you grow your Super. But you can't master it if you are working on outdated information....
Are we there yet?
Since April 2015 the All Ordinaries index representing the Australian share market has fallen 17.5% from its peak near 6000 points to sit just under 5000 points. This fall represents a lower expectation on the Australian economy and in particular the anticipated...
Don’t Leave 2016 to Chance
The end of year break is typically a time where we reflect upon the year that just past. We may reflect upon our relationships, health, occupation, accommodation, holidays and finances. Many people will reflect upon the past year and then simply hope for a better year...